What exactly is the Temple Crier?

You may have learned in Church that "Jesus " told "Peter" how before the “Rooster” crowed twice, that this Disciple would deny Him three times. When the Master said these words, He knew full well that they would be fulfilled in Jerusalem as they shortly thereafter were. What the Master also knew, but most of modernity does not, is that the presence of a rooster in the city of Jerusalem in those days was as out of place and unlikely as finding a fish in the desert.

Such birds being so filthy, moving about freely, and being so small, the risk of such creatures getting into the Temple area by accident and defiling the Holy Place was too great to allow them into the vicinity of Jerusalem, so all such fowl were forbidden in the city.

Therefore, one of two things is true concerning this prophecy: Either a rooster was miraculously brought into the city limits or the “rooster” in question was not a bird at all but something else entirely.

While either is equally possible for the Most High, it is the responsibility of all who study Scripture, to do so in the context of the time and culture in which it was written. And in this historical context, we find that what the Master was speaking of was most likely not a bird at all but a man.

When the disciple denied his Messiah, and the “rooster” crowed, they were standing in the high priest’s home next to the Temple. And it was the solemn obligation of the priest on night watch to also serve as the Temple Crier.

In the morning this priest would unlock the doors of the Temple and stand in a specified area with the shofar (trumpet). It is said that He would sound a blast to mark the day of the week followed by proclaiming "The Call"...

“All Priests prepare for sacrifice. All Levites to your stations. All Israel come to worship.”

Most Christians have been taught to believe that an actual rooster crowed at this denial, but the Hebrew word "gever" for “rooster” or "crier" is also the word for the man appointed to make this morning call.

And to the Templars and the ancients, this served as a double entendre. The man whose job it was to sound the call for worship served to awaken the people as well.

The Temple Crier therefore calls to the people of YHWH - the One, True, Living Elohim -  to wake up, prepare ourselves, and to come worship the Creator The Way He has called for.

The Templars of old saw this as a primary function of the entire Order, and this too is why we are here today - to call all who are willing to listen to repent and return to true worship.


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