There's Something About That Name

How does a 2000 year old Jewish Man acquire a 500 year old English Name?

Resurrecting the Easter Controversy

For almost 400 years, Christianity argued over the timing of Passover until the Council of Nicaea arbitrarily overruled all parties and forced their will on the rest of the world.

The Sign of Jonah

What day did the crucifixion take place, and on which day did our Saviour rise from the grave? We are tempted to answer without thinking according to what theology has taught us, but what sign were we given to look for to find out?

The Christian's Missing Question

"What is His NAME and the Name of His Son.?  Tell me if you know."

Proverbs 30:4

The Bovine Triangle

Thrice now the golden calf of old has been built in the world. And each time Israel's original sin arises, it strengthens and grows more stealthy.  What form does it take in our day?


Though we may have been raised to believe in the false dichotomy of Jew and Gentile, the reality of biblical prophecy establishes a different juxtaposition - Israel and the Nations.   And of those who belong to the Nations, some used to belong to Israel and may yet be part of Israel again.

Instructions in The Way

The idea that the Almighty would abolish His Law is normative in Christendom. Yet when faced with the genuine definition of Torah we find it far more difficult to claim the Creator destroyed His Instructions.


"When the CREATOR made all things HE did not need billions of years of evolutionary progression. HE didn’t even need the 7 days to get it done. All the Almighty needed was to say, “Be!” and all HE desired would take form as HE wished....but...For this reason specifically, HE built into the fabric of Creation, a seven day repeating pattern, so that we could do what HE has done."

The Sh'ma

The Foundation and Fulfillment of the Faith

It is the Creed of all Israel. Sh’ma is the name of the creed, and it is the first word of all. This is a principle and a proclamation. Sh’ma is both our credo and our hearts cry. As the corner stone laid by Moses and the most sacred commandment raised up by Messiah, the Sh’ma acts as a shortened form of the whole Law, a summation of the 10 Words, and the supreme directive of Heaven itself.

What Is His NAME?

& Why Does It Matter?

The Hem of His Garment

We are commanded to wear tassels on the corners of our garments. Why & What is the proper way?

A Templar Hanukkah

The memorial of the dedication of the Temple to true worship, unpolluted and unadulterated. Why would they not want to commemorate this awesome event embodying all they aspired to do and to be in the world?

Second-Rate Gods

Do you defend the helpless? Are you a god?