
Much and more has been lost and found over the centuries, elements of that old-time religion ripped away and replaced with aspects of other foreign faiths. Under the nose of Rome, the Templars attempted to return to the Place of the Skull, to where the divergence first began, hoping for a restoration one day of True Religion in its fullness. The intent of old was for the CREATOR to have one nation to serve HIM as priests for the rest of the world, the nation of Israel. That people fractured through failure and was scattered across the globe. Ten tribes lost among gentiles and three tribes remaining as Jews. But all meant by Messiah to become one in Him once again as Israel. The Templars called this concept Calvaria.

Calvarian Bible Study


Leshon HaKodesh (The Holy Language)

Because the Bible has been written in Hebrew, it is very important for students of Scripture to make a diligent effort toward understanding the Hebrew language, culture, and perspective, in order to know what the Word of YAHWEH says and means and how to properly apply it in our lives in modern times. (Daily Hebrew is also available in app form).

Learn Hebrew 
Daily Dose of Hebrew App
Aleph With Beth


Koine (The Common Tongue)

Since the Bible has been translated into Greek and has been handed down to us largely influenced by and filtered through Hellenism, it is important to also know the Greek language. Though a tongue extremely inferior to that of Hebrew, and impossible to be used for conveying Biblical truth in its fullness, it is nevertheless imperative to study, since all that remains of the writings of the original Disciples is the Greek translations of their words. (Daily Greek is also available in app form).

Learn Greek
Daily Dose of Greek App
Center For NT Restoration


Lingua Latina (Church Language)

As the language through which the Scriptures were taught for the better part of a millennium and a half and the language through which much of Christian theology has been and remains filtered, it can greatly benefit the serious student of Scripture to gain a working knowledge of Latin. (No app form available at this time.)

Learn Latin

The Temple 

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem, is and has been for some time, undertaking the unfathomable task of restoring the Temple of YHWH once more. Though the political situation is as untenable as ever, due to the tireless work of the Temple Institute, everything is currently ready as soon as construction is allowed. 

Temple Institute

Dangerous Groups & Persons

The following is a list of persons and organizations who can possibly pose a danger to others attempting to follow The Way. Though not all criminals and conmen, many are and should be regarded with extreme caution. (This list is by no means exhaustive and will be regularly updated with new warnings as issues are brought to our attention.)

* Martin Luther (yes that one; for inspiring antisemitism and penning the manifesto for the "Final Solution"
* Yahweh Ben Yahweh (criminal founder; blasphemous, racial supremacist)
* Behold Israel (chicanerous organization; using Israeli status to boost credibility to lies)
* Bible Facts Ministry (run by Dr. Ken Johnson; a misleading organization; affiliated with Amir Tsarfati; openly opposed to the Hebrew Roots / Messianic Movement
* R.L.Solberg (antinomian teacher feigning expertise in the Tanahk)

*Nazarene Mormon ( subcategory of the LDS church, falsely associating themselves with the ancient Natzorim sect, lunar-Sabbatarian, slandering honorable men in the Divine NAME, etc.)

Israel Anderson (teaches that YHWH is actually the devil)

* Truth Ignited (Tom Steele - a sciolist and ultracrepidarian knowing just enough truth to be dangerous - self-taught, self-appointed, self-centered - a messy-anic mercenary)

Recommended With Caveat

These are individuals and organizations which do not necessarily lay claim to hold any Messianic form of Faith, yet nevertheless possess tremendous expertise regarding our beliefs and whose scholarship may greatly benefit the followers of The Way.

Nehemia Gordon