As the ancient Templar Order formerly fell under the jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff (who betrayed them), it was our obligation as revanchists to offer to the present papacy the opportunity of redemption, first right of restoration and atonement for erstwhile treachery. Though the following defense of the Brotherhood of old and argument for restoration was carried to the Vatican by the estimable Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, and personally placed upon the desk of Pope Francis, as expected "His Holiness," in the vein of his ilk, refused to entertain either proposal. Yet for the purposes of posterity, the Order of the Fifth Gospel offers this evidence to the judgment of the public...
The Trial of Nine
Novus Bellum
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of 'Christ' and of the Temple of Solomon, told a story amongst their own that was largely allegory and allusion, meant to relay the morals and principles of Scripture in a manner the most illiterate person could comprehend. What was called the Novus Bellum ( Trial of the Nine ) formed the core of Templar character and comportment. The secrets, symbols, and sayings of the Templars all centered around this fanciful midrashic legend, without which few of their designs or deeds can be rightly interpreted. This lore eventually became the source of the slander spread against them, a result of twisting the details of this tale.
Sword Blessings
Historically Templars always blessed both swords and soldiers in the same manner.
Templar Scripture
To the Templars there were three levels to canonization. The following is a list of each as they were reconned by the brotherhood.
The "New" Knighthood
A variety of individuals and organizations exist today that lay claim to Templarism. While many are well meaning, many more are monsters - criminals and conmen. And many more besides, though making no claim to heritage, nevertheless teach lies about the brotherhood, historical inaccuracies easily uncovered by a small amount of investigation. The following is a list of persons and groups to be regarded with caution. (This list is by no means exhaustive and will expand as new information comes to light.)
* Ray El (a false messiah)
* Amir Tsarfati
(of "Behold Israel" openly teaches slanderous lies against the Templars)
* Sovereign Magisterial Order of the Temple of Solomon
* Sovereign & Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
* Steven Chriscole & The Knights Templar Church
* Knights Templar Order International
* Andrei's Templar Ministry
* Maestre Sibrand
Mostly Harmless
Illegitimate Individuals and Orders
Of the sundry societies and social groups claiming Templar status, decent, or affiliation, not all are perverted and pernicious, but simply playacting and pantomiming. Provided they do not proclaim their position for pride and provided they perform the proper works of service and sanctification, The Fifth Gospel does not contest their assertions, however pitiful and preposterous they may be. The following is a list of such persons and organizations. (This list is by no means exhaustive and will expand as new information comes to light.)
* Templar Corps International
* The Knights Templar
* The Templar Knights of North America
* International Organization of Good Templars