Messianic / Sabbatarian

The Templars being only one of many organizations over the centuries to have attempted a restoration of Biblical preaching and practice, in our day of diminished Church Authority and increased relative liberty, a variety of groups and organizations have arisen in the world who are likewise striving to restore the ancient Faith the Scriptures plainly teach. While none are entirely trustworthy and all must be scrutinized sagaciously to see if they stick to Scripture, the following is a list of those we find credible and most closely adhering to the Truth and teaching others to follow suit. (As always, question everything.)

Other Messianic Individuals & Organizations

Though, for one reason or another, we can not recommend these men or ministries, neither do we discourage anyone away from them. Though somethings in their ministries or methods might prove dangerous to the gullible, the scrupulous student will see through these issues and be able to learn. We do consider these groups and persons to be well intentioned and would willingly extend to them the right hand of fellowship. 

Question Everything

Messianic -Sabbatarian Organizations

The following is a list of many Messianic-Sabbatarian Organizations which offer articles, newsletters, magazines and other educational materials free of charge (or for cost) to all who are interested in understanding The Way. (This list is by no means exhaustive and more names will be added in the near future as we become aware of them. As always - Question Everything.)

Messianic Marketplace

Though very little is necessary to follow The Way properly, in the principle of Hiddur Mitzvah (Beautifying the Commandment) many items are available for purchase that enhance the Messianic experience amd inspire learning and faithfulness.