One of the earliest successful efforts of any organization to return to The Way of the first century as taught by Messiah, Yahshua and His Disciples was made by none other than the Templars themselves, specifically the Sergeants and Knights, who surreptitiously held to the Old Ways and taught their initiates to live likewise.
All Templar Knights and Sergeants practiced the religion they called Calvarian, essentially the Natzorim faith of the first century, yet entirely comprised of non-Jews, unlike the first century, and possessing no intent to convert to Judaism. The Templar perspective, unlike the church they publicly championed, was that the Messiah came to restore the ancient Nation of Israel rather than to manufacture a new religion. As the prophets foretold, so the Templars believed, that they themselves were the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and those grafted in, and in all matters they sought to live as such, without raising the ire of Rome against them.